Friday, March 29, 2013

Savior (John 19:30)

Series: Names of Wondrous Love
Good Friday
March 29, 2013

Dear friends in Christ.

Scarcely had the sponge soaked with sour wine moistened our Savior’s parched lips when we hear him cry out with a loud voice, “Tetelestai!” Which means, “It is finished!”  Although a single, four syllable word in the Greek language, these three English words, “It is finished!” are incredibly significant for each and every person of the world.  In fact, we would not be exaggerating if we should call them the most important words in the history of the world!  For when Jesus said, “It is finished,” he didn’t speak in a weak whisper, or even so quietly that you would have had to lean in close to be able to hear what he was saying.  Rather, he cried out in a loud voice so that all the world would hear.  Our Savior cried out these words as his proclamation of victory in the midst of the darkness of Calvary.  These words were not the words of a man who was surrendering to death, but the words of a soldier who has conquered in the battle, and won the victory over sin and death forever.  These words are the words of our Savior whose mission has been completed.  These words are words of wondrous love, whose wondrous name of love we know as, Savior.

Could there be any greater love than the love that our Savior reveals to us as he willingly goes to the cross?  In his great love for us, he allowed himself to be pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquity.  In his great love for us, he endured the punishment that would bring us peace so that by his wounds we could be healed.  In his great love for us he endured even the pain of hell itself as he was rejected by his own Father.  But now that has all come to an end, for as we look closely at his face, we see his love as he cries out his declaration of victory for us.  With these words our loving Savior was telling all who would listen, “I have won.  My work of salvation is done.  I have opened wide the gates of heaven for mankind.  I have kept all the law perfectly for every person.  I have paid the price demanded for each and every sin.  Not one sin is left!  I have suffered the agonies of hell and damnation—agonies that were reserved for sinners.  I have endured the full punishment and anger of my Father over sin.  I have shed my precious blood to redeem all mankind.  And now my work of salvation is complete and finished and done.” 

What wondrous love our Savior conveys as he cries out, “Tetelestai! It is finished!”  For this single word was the very word that the ancient Greeks would inscribe on tax bills to show that they were completely paid in full.  Thus, with these words Jesus took the crimson ink of his blood and wrote “Paid In Full” across the bill of sins that we had run up before God.  Nothing more needed to be added because Jesus blood had completely washed away our sins.  Nothing more needed to be done because on the cross, as our Savior cried out, Jesus declared that he had completed the work of our salvation!  “With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30, NIV84) 

Could any other words demonstrate our Savior’s wondrous love for sinners?  When our Savior had completed our Salvation, he willingly bowed his head and gave up his spirit.  Though death stood near the scene on Calvary that day, death did not dare to approach our Savior until he allowed it.  How different his death was from ours!  We die because death is the consequence of sin that our first parents brought to all people.  We die because our lives are snatched away from us.  We die, because the Lord chooses to separate our souls from our body.  There is nothing that we can do to prolong our lives in any way.  But when Jesus died, he died at the moment he chose.  Not until he had completed our salvation did he allow death to come near to him.  Only when he had procured our Salvation did our Savior pray, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) and “with that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” (John 19:30)

It is never easy to be reminded of our Savior’s death, because we know the death he died was the death we deserve.  Yet, as we stand at the foot of our Savior’s cross today, we find comfort in the fact that his death has removed the sting of death forever.  Because our Savior willingly gave his life over to death, death is nothing more than a lion whose claws and teeth have been removed.  Though death still growls for us, it can no longer harm us!  Because our Savior paid the price our sins deserved, we no longer need to be afraid!  Rather we can confidently fall asleep in Jesus’ wounds, knowing that the last beating of our hearts will be a soft knocking at heaven’s door. When it opens, we will be home with Jesus, our Savior from sin, our Savior from death, our deliverer to eternal life.

All this is wrapped up in the simple name, Savior!  For included in that name of wondrous love, is all that Jesus, our Savior did to free us from our sins, and make us his own.  Though we use this name so easily and so often, it truly is a comfort to us, for it is our Savior who has saved us and made us his through his blood!  In the same way that a life guard will save drowning swimmers by pulling them out of the water and brining them to the safety of dry land, our Savior saved us from drowning in our sins.  By his death, we have been declared righteous before the Lord our God.  All this is wrapped up in the lovingly wondrous name of Savior, as John tells us, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4:10, NIV84)   


Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church--Le Sueur, MN