Monday, May 20, 2013

Abraham: Following God's Promise (Complete Church Curriculum)

A Truly Incredible Resource!

We just concluded our Study of Abraham: Following God's Promise, and I cannot say enough good about it!  Designed as a 8 weeks Bible Study and sermon series, there was more than enough information to teach each lesson for 2 - 3 weeks.  I cannot thank Logos enough for all the work that went into planning and publishing such an amazing resource.

Sermon Resources

Though I did not use the sermon resources in connection with our Bible Study on Abraham, I look forward to using them as a review of what we learned.  I'm currently planning an 8 week series on Abraham in September and October this fall.  This will be a great review for those who attended the Bible Study and give them additional insights as the lessons are driven deeper into their hearts and their lives.  It will also be a great time to connect with everyone else who was not able to attend the weekly Bible Study and help them grow in their faith and their faith and appreciation of God's Grace and God's working in their lives.

A whole lot of information!

Wow!!!  The authors of this series have put so much work and effort into these lessons that if I taught them as is I would have been able to lead a 1.5 hour - 2 hour Bible Class and still need more time!  Thank you for all the work!

Each week I started on Monday and read through the resources in preparation for what I was teaching on Sunday.  So often I spent my time deciding what was best to emphasize in the lesson and what I would have to leave out.  Interestingly, I was often able to briefly reference some of the items that I had decided to set aside because of time constraints.  How wonderful it was to be that prepared.

Member Comments

"Wonderfully laid out!  I love the welcoming color scheme and the open and inviting fonts."

"The maps were very interesting and the graphics were extremely helpful in understanding the concepts that we were learning."

"The first couple of weeks Pastor seemed overwhelmed by the material and that caused me to feel the same way.  I think that he had too much explanation and we didn't dive into the text enough or study it enough before he asked some of the questions.  But by the third and forth week he seemed to get a handle on it and we spent more time in the text, discussing it with applicable questions, and then we were ready for the questions that applied what we had learned to our lives."