Sunday, February 19, 2012

Behold the brilliance of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:3-6)

February 19, 2012
Dear friends in Christ.

When I was in college, I became very familiar with Intestate 90, especially the stretch between La Cross, WI and Rochester, MN, which was both my favorite, and most frustrating part of the journey.  It was my favorite stretch of the trip when we were on our way back to school because it meant that we were done with the 55 MPH speed limit on Highways 14 and 52 and could start making some good time.  It was my favorite, because I knew that no matter how flat the land seemed, we were slowly traveling downhill as we made our way toward La Cross and the Mississippi River.  But it was the most frustrating part of the trip when we were traveling back to New Ulm, because in that stretch you are traveling almost due west, and no matter when we left Watertown, WI, we always seemed to be traveling due west on that stretch of road as the sun was setting!  Now, if you’ve ever driven into the setting sun, then you know just how bright that light can be! For as you drive, and the unblinking eye of the sun stares you in the face, it can be a struggle to keep your vehicle on the road. Though you put on your darkest sunglasses, pull down the visor, and sit in strange and uncomfortable positions just to block out that light and keep from rear ending the car in front of you, it seems that you can’t escape brilliance of the setting sun. Even though you do everything you can to block it out, it seems that the light evades your efforts and begins to fill the car itself until there is room for nothing else except that light.  In a way, that brilliance is a picture of the brilliance that is revealed to us in the pages of Scripture. For in the Scriptures we find the brilliant light of the Gospel revealed to us in Jesus Christ our Savior. In fact, as we study the lesson before us from 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, we will take time to simply stand and behold the brilliance of the Gospel.

Take a look with me at our lesson today and how the Apostle Paul describes the amazing brilliance of the Gospel.  “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." (2 Corinthians 4:3–6, NIV84)

How interesting it is that as Paul describes the brilliance of the Gospel that has been revealed in our hearts, he begins by telling us how the brilliance of the gospel has been hidden, veiled if you will, among those who are perishing.  Yet, sadly, this is exactly what our enemy, the god of this age, who is also known as satan, has done.  Though the light of the gospel continues to shine forth with the brilliance of the sun, satan has caused the dark clouds of doubt and disbelief to form in the hearts of billions of people in our world today.  He has shrouded their vision with a veil!  He has blindfolded them and locked them away in the dark and gloomy dungeon of unbelief so that they cannot possibly see the light of the gospel and come to faith and be saved. 

In one way he has done this with the false religions that he is continually introducing into our world so that he might distract more and more people away from the light of the Gospel.  For example, long ago he introduced the teachings of Hinduism to the people of India.  Though it is very possible that one of the Apostles traveled to India and spread the Word of God there, as tradition suggests, the Hindu faith teaches people to work and to serve many different gods in the hopes that they might be one day delivered from this world to the state of eternal bliss.  Again, it was satan who made sure the teachings of Buddha spread so that now millions of people are looking for enlightenment which is designed to free them from a world of suffering.  It was satan who worked overtime to convince the Pharisees, teachers of the law, and many others in the Jewish community that Jesus really wasn’t the Christ.  Now, because of his efforts it is safe to say that the majority of the Israelites of our day and age do not know who Jesus is, or simply reject Jesus as the Messiah who came in fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures.  On top of that it is very likely that satan or one of his demons who appeared to Mohammed back in 633 BC, bringing the teachings of Islam to the Middle East.  But even closer to home, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who appeared to Joseph Smith, encouraging him to continue in the teachings that have become Mormonism, a religious group that acts very Christian, and yet does not believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  He is the one who undoubtedly sent some of his demons to appear to the Native Americans who sought to speak with the spirits of their ancestors.  He is the one who is constantly at work in every single Christian church, working subtly to water down the teachings of Law and Gospel, working to foster feelings of apathy toward God and his Word, and even working to convince life-long Christians that they know it all and really have no need to read and study God’s Word for themselves or even gather in worship on a regular basis.

These are but a few of the ways that “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4, NIV84)  These are but a few of the ways that our enemy, the devil, is working to blind even you and me to the brilliance of the gospel.  Even now, as you are looking directly into the brilliance of the gospel as it is being proclaimed to you, satan is working to place a veil over our eyes so that we will no longer see the glory of Jesus Christ as our Savior. He is the one who constantly sits on our shoulders in worship, whispering lies, doubts, and distractions into our ears.  He is the one who seeks to seed our hearts with the dark clouds of doubt and unbelief so that the brilliance of the gospel is slowly diminished and finally blotted out completely.  Though right here, right now, we are basking in the brilliant light of the Gospel shining forth in all its glory, he is trying to convince us that the brilliance of the gospel is just as annoying as the setting sun that I used to drive into on my way home from college.  He is trying to convince us that if we simply take the pair of sunglasses he is offering us and put them over our eyes, then, we will be able to look directly at the brilliance of the Gospel, and see it more clearly. He is trying to convince us that if we just pull down the visor and sit in an uncomfortable position, we will be better able to see the path before us.  But if we should willingly put on satan’s sunglasses, or pull down the visor, or sit in an uncomfortable position, before we know it we will have allowed him to completely block out the brilliance of the gospel in our lives.  Before we know it, we will be blindly following our enemy down the path that leads to his kingdom and the dark, gloomy, and fiery dungeons of eternal death and damnation.

Though it is satan, our enemy, who is continually seeking to blind us to the brilliance of the Gospel, as we have gathered here this morning, it is our Savior who is revealing the full measure of the Gospel’s brilliance to each of us who believes!  Just as Paul wrote in our lesson, “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 6 For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 4:3–6, NIV84)

Though satan continually seeks to blind us, it was the Lord our God who made known the light of the knowledge of his glory in Jesus Christ our Savior.  It was Jesus Christ himself who came to us and gently replaced the visors and removed satan’s sunglasses so that we could once again see his light.  It was the Lord Jesus, our Savior who shined the brilliant light of his Gospel into our hearts and burned away the dark clouds of doubt and disbelief that satan seeded there.  It was our Savior who used his own blood to polish our stained and tarnished hearts so that they would once again be radiant reflectors of the brilliance of the gospel message of salvation.  It was Jesus Christ our Savior who enabled us to look into the brilliant light of his glory revealed to us in the gospel message of our salvation.  It was Christ our Savior who saw to it that the brilliance of the Gospel was revealed to us so that we might be his disciples. He saw to it that his Word was proclaimed to us so that we also might believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin. For it is in that Word that we learn about our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is in that Word that we learn how Jesus came to earth as a little baby. It is in that word that we learn how Jesus in wisdom. It is in that word we learn how Jesus went through out all the towns of Israel proclaiming the message of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. It is in that word that we learn how Jesus revealed his glory in his miracles of healing the sick, raising the dead, and driving out demons. It is in that word we are assured that Jesus truly is the Son of God, our Savior.  But best of all, today we had the opportunity to see the full measure of that glory as Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John on the top of that mountain.  As Jesus was transfigured before them we saw the brilliance of his glory and the glory of the Gospel that has been revealed to each and every one of us who believes.

For it is the brilliant light of the gospel that assures us that our sins have been forgiven.  It is that brilliant light of the gospel that assures us that Jesus’ life of perfectly following all of Gods commands and decrees has been applied to us.  It is the gospel that assure us that when Jesus went to the cross he went carrying the weight of each and every sin of each and every person on the face of the earth, even yours and mine!  It is through the message of the Gospel that we are assured that all our trespasses, transgressions, and iniquities have been completely blotted out.  Even the guilt of our sins has been removed.  Now, it is through that brilliant light of the Gospel, which has been clearly revealed to those who believe, that we are moved to take that message to the world.

Just as the Lord shone the light of the gospel into our hearts and created faith in Jesus Christ our Savior, it is the Lord who enables us to reflect the brilliance of the gospel in our lives.  It is the Lord Jesus who moves us to share the brilliant message of salvation in all that we say and do so that many more might be able to see the salvation that is theirs through faith in Jesus their Savior.  It is the Lord who calls us to shine the brilliance of the gospel into the darkness of our world because there are still millions who do not know that their sins have been forgiven. There are millions whom satan has blinded to the brilliant light of the gospel which the Lord has revealed to us, and now it is our turn to tell them. It is our turn to preach Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as his servants. Because if we don’t, those whom satan has blinded will suffer the punishment of eternal death and damnation in the fires of hell. This is why we need to continue to support the mission work of our synod. Even though we may be a smaller congregation in our synod, and even though we face budget concerns and shortfalls ourselves, as Christians, it is our responsibility to support mission work, so that we might send Pastors and Teachers into nations who do not know Jesus as their Savior.

Though there may be times when we are afraid to start talking about Jesus, it is our God who gives us the courage we need.  For the very light we now proclaim to the world is the light which the Lord himself has shinned into our hearts.  It is the light of the Gospel which is even more brilliant than the light of the setting sun that I continually drove into on my way home from college.  But even though it is that much more brilliant, it is also that much easier on the eyes.  It is in the gospel that we find our Savior Jesus Christ revealed to us!  Though this brilliance has been veiled to those who are perishing, it has been clearly revealed to you and me who believe.  Take that brilliance with you.  Reflect it in your words and actions, and shine even as you share it with the world.


Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church--Le Sueur, MN