Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Lord is our Bridegroom (Hosea 2:14-16, 19-20)

February 27, 2011

Dear friends in Christ.

Back in 1999 Julia Roberts starred in the movie, “Runaway Bride”, a story about a woman who has cold feet when it comes to being married. Though she has been engaged to be married a number of times, each time she leaves the groom standing at the altar, running out of the church and away from the marriage that was to be. During the course of the movie, as she is engaged to fiancée number 4, a reporter who had written an article about her comes to town to learn more about her. Though she cannot stand him at the beginning, slowly she begins to fall in love with this man, and the two of them make plans to be married. Yet, when it comes to their wedding, the same thing happens! She gets scared, she turns and she runs out of the church, fleeing the scene on the back of a Fed Ex truck. However, rather than just standing at the altar shocked and bewildered like the other grooms, this time the groom runs after her. This time the groom chases after her because he is simply not willing to let her go! Interestingly enough, this movie is, in many ways, a portrayal of our lives. We are the bride who keeps getting cold feet and running off, and the Lord is our Bridegroom. The Lord is our Bridegroom, and it is in his great mercy for us that he chases after us, that he leads us back to himself, and that he reconciles us to himself.

Now, as we take a closer look at how the Lord is our Bridegroom, I invite you to open your Bibles to our lesson today in Hosea 2:14-16, and 19-20. Now, as you are looking up Hosea 2, let me give you a little bit of background as to what is going on here. About two hundred years before Hosea was on the scene, King Solomon was ruling the land. He was the wisest and richest king Israel had ever known. He was the one who built the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. However, toward the end of his life he began to fall away from, the Lord and worship the false gods of his many wives. Then, after King Solomon died, ten of the tribes of Israel rebelled against his successor, Rehoboam, and founded the Northern Kingdom under the leadership of King Jeroboam. This left only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin who formed the Southern Kingdom under Rehoboam. Once the Northern Kingdom was established, King Jeroboam forbade his people to go to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. Instead, he set up two golden calf idols and commanded those living in the Northern Kingdom to worship these idols as their gods. So, by the time the Lord appointed Hosea as his prophet to the Northern Kingdom, idolatry was firmly established. Though Israel had acted as an unfaithful bride to the Lord her bridegroom, the Lord sent Hosea to her to call Israel back to himself. He says: “Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. In that day,” declares the LORD, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master,’”…I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD,” (Hosea 2:14-16, 19-20, NIV 1984).

Even though Israel had been unfaithful to him, by going off to worship false gods and idols, it was the Lord, Israel’s bridegroom, who in his mercy sent the Prophet Hosea to lead them back to himself so that they might be reconciled to him. Well just as the Lord did this for his people Israel, he does the same thing for you and me. For the truth is, each time we sin, we wander farther and farther away from the Lord. In this way we are so much like sheep grazing out in the pasture. Though we might start off grazing near the shepherd, before we know it we completely focused on the green grass before us. As we much on that grass, we keep our heads down, focused only on the green grass in front of us; following it as we graze. We go from patch to patch following the grass that seems to keep getting greener and greener. Then before we know it, with stomachs full to bursting, we look up and see that we have separated ourselves from the shepherd. The other sheep are nowhere to be found, and we are lost.

Though we may not have gone off to worship false gods and idols, we have all wandered away from the Lord, our Bridegroom. We have all fallen into sins that have led to other sins, that have given us cold feet when it came to spending time with the Lord either in church or personal Bible Study, and like Julia Roberts in “Runaway Bride” we have turned and run away from the Lord as fast as our feet could carry us because we knew our sins. Yet, even though we didn’t deserve it, in his mercy, the Lord, our Bridegroom ran after us. The Lord our Bridegroom called to us with the sweet love song of his Word. The Lord our Bridegroom spoke tenderly to us with the gospel message of salvation that is ours through Jesus Christ. The Lord, our Bridegroom allured us with the wedding gift of salvation that he provided for us through the death and resurrection of his Son in our place, and in doing so the Lord leads us back and reconciled us to him as his dearly loved bride. In fact, take a look at the promise the Lord makes to us in verse 19 and 20 of Chapter 2: “I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD,” (Hosea 2:19-20, NIV 1984).

During Old Testament times, when a couple was betrothed, they were setting themselves aside only for each other. They were promising themselves to each other as husband and wife. In fact, in those days people who were betrothed were recognized as husband and wife in all ways, except for the way that produces children. Everyone recognized that these two who had promised themselves to each other would soon be united as husband and wife in every way as soon as the marriage feast took place. When the Lord made this promise to his people Israel, that he would betroth them to himself forever, he was assuring them that he was the Bridegroom who loved them, who had forgiven them, who had set them apart for him, who had made them his people, and who, as their Bridegroom, loved them as a husband loves his wife.

This is the promise that the Lord, our Bridegroom has also made to us through the blood of our Savior. Though we didn’t deserve it by any means, in his mercy, the Lord our God betrothed himself to us when he reconciled us through the death and the resurrection of his Son, our Savior. In doing this the Lord has demonstrated his great love for us. He has assured us that we belong to him in the same way that wives and husbands belong to each other. He has assured us that we have been forgiven of all our sins. In fact, because we have been betrothed to the Lord our God, we have the joy and certainty of knowing that he is our God. Though here on earth we are living in the joy of engagement, so to speak, when the Lord calls us home, we will live in the joy of marriage, the joy of living with the Lord, our Bridegroom forever in heaven.

This is the, “happily ever after” that closes so many of the fairy tails of childhood, and this is the happily ever after that closed the movie “Runaway Bride”. Though Julia Roberts did run away from her marriage to the reporter, at the end of the movie we see the two of them finally married and beginning their lives as husband and wife. Today, we have seen the same thing in our lives. Though we have run away from the Lord, our Bridegroom, he is the one who chased after us. He is the one who led us back to himself. He is the one who reconciled us to himself. He is the one who has betrothed himself to us. Because of all of this we are looking forward to our happily ever after that we will spend with the Lord our Bridegroom, forever at the marriage feast in heaven.


Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church --Le Sueur, MN