Sunday, February 14, 2010

See Jesus' Glory Revealed (Matthew 17:1-9)

Dear friends in Christ.

For many years Penn and Teller have been performing their magic act for audiences all over the country. They have performed on stage in all the major cities. They have been featured on news programs. They have even had their own performances broadcast on National TV. And yet some of their greatest TV ratings came when they hosted Magic’s Greatest Secrets Revealed, because on those specials they revealed some of the secrets audiences had longed to know for years and years. Well, in our text today, Jesus does something similar. It isn’t that he gets himself on national TV to reveal some of the best kept secrets of the Godhead. Rather, as he takes Peter, James and John with him up on the mountain side, he reveals his glory to them as he is transfigured before them on the holy mountain.

Now, when Jesus led his three disciples up to the top of that mountain, none of them had any idea what they were about to see. None of them could even have imagined that they would shortly see Jesus revealing his true glory to them as he was transfigured before them, but that was exactly what happened. For Matthew tells us, “After six days Jesus took with him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.” (Matthew 17:1-2)

Though neither Peter, James, nor John had any idea of what they were about to see, as Jesus stood before them, he suddenly began to change. His entire from began to change from that of his humble human nature to that of his true, divine, and glorious nature. As Jesus stood before them, his face began to shine with the brilliance of the sun, and his clothes became as white as light itself. In some ways, it was almost as if Jesus, according to his humble human nature, was nothing more than a dull ordinary light bulb. However, on this day, as Jesus stood on the mountain, God the Father slowly turned up the rheostat, revealing Jesus’ true glory and true purpose as the Son of God, just as we reveal the true glory and purpose of a light bulb each and every time we flip a switch to turn one on.

For on that mountain, as Jesus was transfigured before his disciples, his true glory was revealed for his disciples to see. His true glory was revealed to them so that they might be assured that he truly was the Messiah who had come into the world. And that is what Jesus is doing for you and me today! For as we have sat here this morning, we too have seen Jesus’ face and clothes become bright as the sun. We too have seen him shining with the brilliance of his divine glory. As we have seen Jesus transfigured before us on that holy mountain, we have seen his glory revealed to us, and we too have been assured that Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior who came into the world to free us from our sins. As we have seen Jesus glory revealed in his transfiguration, we have been assured that all authority in heaven and on earth truly does belong to him. As we have seen Jesus transfigured on that mountain today, we have seen his glory, and has his glory has been revealed to us, we have been given a glimpse into heaven.

What an amazing sight it must have been for Jesus’ disciples to see his glory revealed to them in this way. What an incredible sight it must have been for them to receive such an incredible glimpse of the glories of eternal life in heaven as Jesus revealed his glory to them! For Matthew tells us, “Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, ‘Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.’ While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!’ When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified.” (Matthew 17:3-6)

As the disciples watched Jesus transforming before them, suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before their very eyes. Two of Israel’s greatest prophets suddenly appeared, right there on that mountain, so that the disciples could see and hear them speaking with Jesus. In this way, the disciples received an unprecedented glimpse of eternal life. For there, on that mountain top, they saw Moses and Elijah sharing in the glory being revealed in Jesus. There, on that mountain top, they saw Moses and Elijah speaking face to face with the Lord. There, on that mountain top, they felt the presence of God the Father as he too suddenly manifested himself in the form of the brilliant cloud, giving his approval to his Son. Though this final act terrified the disciples beyond reason, as Jesus revealed his glory they received a brief glimpse into what it was like to live in heaven forever with the Lord.

Well, this is what the Lord is doing for you and me today. For, as we have seen Jesus’ glory revealed before us, we have been given the briefest, but most incredible glimpse into the halls of heaven. We have seen Moses and Elijah, and immediately known them as the disciples did, assuring us that we will immediately know each other when we enter eternal life. We have seen Moses and Elijah, one who died and whose body was buried by the Lord, the other who did not face death as he was transported directly to heaven in the fiery chariot. We have seen them and been assured that there truly is life after death because the Lord our God is the Lord of the living. We have seen Moses and Elijah, two monumental prophets form the Old Testament and we have been assured that the only way to eternal life is through faith in Jesus Christ our Savior. Though believers in the Old Testament were focused on the Savior who was to come, and we New Testament believers are focused on the Savior who has come, we know that he is one and the same Savior. He is Jesus Christ who stood glorified on that mountain, sharing his glory with Moses and Elijah as they spoke with him, assuring us that when we come into that heavenly kingdom, we too will shine with all the splendor of Jesus’ glory.

Though we would have been just as terrified as Peter, James, and John had we been there to witness the brilliant cloud of the Father’s glory descend on us as rapidly as ten feet of snow falls on the countryside in cartoons, we marvel at the glimpse of haven it provides. For in this brief second, though terrified according to our sinful nature, our new self would be ecstatic at the idea of living with the Lord forever! It is this brief glimpse of eternal life that we view as Jesus’ glory is revealed before us, that buoys us up through times of heartache and trouble. It is this brief glimpse of eternal life revealed in Jesus’ glory today that makes us long for the day when Jesus will call us home. Though that day might be farther off for some of us than it is for others, we are all looking forward to that place where there will be nothing needed to hide our Savior’s glory ever again. Though we must now leave that mountain where Jesus so freely revealed his glory as the Son of God, we still see Jesus’ glory, even as we travel down that mountain. For as we do, we see Jesus’ glory revealed as he now begins his journey toward Jerusalem.
Today, as we have been celebrating the Transfiguration of our Lord, we have seen Jesus glory revealed to us. We have been given some great assurances. But now, as the transfiguration comes to an end, and we see Jesus returned to his normal state, we are all the more encouraged and assured. Though Jesus has returned to his humble, human state, we can still see his glory being revealed as he begins his journey toward Jerusalem. This is what Matthew is speaking of as he concludes our text: “But Jesus came and touched them. ‘Get up,’ he said. ‘Don't be afraid.’ When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, ‘Don't tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.’” (Matthew 17:7-9)

Now that the transfiguration was over, the disciples were undoubtedly glad to see Jesus back in his normal state. Though it was good for them to be there to see Jesus’ glory, they still did not fully understand the ramifications of what they had seen, and that is why Jesus ordered them to keep silent. Rather than allowing them to spread wrong conclusions about what had happened, Jesus orders them to keep silent until after he has been raised from the dead. Though this was also something that they did not yet understand, as they looked back after the days of Pentecost, how they must have realized the glory that Jesus was emanating even then. Even though they didn’t realize it at the time, Jesus was revealing his glory all the more as he now began his journey toward Jerusalem. Though it would be another three to six months before Jesus would resolutely begin his journey there, simply coming down from that mountain of transfiguration marks Jesus willingness to give his life for the sins of the world.

Now, as we will shortly begin to journey with Jesus on his way to Jerusalem, to give his life for the sins of the world, we can still see his glory being revealed. Though it may not be nearly as bright or as amazing as it was on that mountain, he reveals it to us in his humble human nature. Though he once again looked no different than any other human being, his glory was revealed in his willingness to go to Jerusalem for us. Though in just a few short weeks we will see him bruised, beaten, bloody, and nearly broken, we see his glory revealed in the strength of his weakness. We see his glory revealed in his willing and determined sacrifice. We see his glory revealed in his death and resurrection through which he has completely freed us from all our sins.

What great glory our Savior has revealed to us today. Though he may not have revealed it to us through the use of a TV special, he has revealed it to us none the less. For today, as we have celebrated the transfiguration of our Lord, we have seen his glory revealed to us. We have seen it revealed as he was transfigured on the mountain. We saw it revealed as he gave us that beautiful glimpse of eternal life, and we saw it even as he began his journey to Jerusalem, traveling there to give his life and save us from our sins.


Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Le Sueur, MN