Sunday, September 30, 2012

Raise Your Hearts and Voices in Prayer! (2 Chronicles 7:11-16)

September 30, 2012

Dear friends in Christ.

For the past few weeks I’ve been providing you with information about the Pray31 campaign.  I’ve put announcements in the bulletin and I’ve explained it to you verbally in our closing announcements.  In doing this I’ve been extending to you the invitation to join me in raising your hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer on behalf of our nation, its leaders, and its churches.  I’ve been inviting you to be part of a movement whose goal is simply to rally one million Christians throughout our nation to raise their hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer, fervently and strategically praying to the Lord about the challenges that we face as a nation today.

But why would I take the time to invite you to join me in this during the next 31 days of October?  The simple reason is that God wants his people to pray, and throughout history he has provided prayer as our direct line of communication with our heavenly Father.  In fact, in our Scripture lessons today we have already seen the great importance of prayer as we witnessed Jesus, in our gospel lesson, teaching his disciples to pray by giving them the words of the Lord’s Prayer.  We saw how the disciples gathered together to pray to the Lord after Peter and John were released from prison, and we saw how the Lord so quickly answered their prayer by shaking the place where they were meeting and filling them with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, through the Old Testament lesson are reminded just how important it is for us to be regularly lifting our voices to the Lord in prayer as the Lord speaks to King Solomon and to us, saying: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV84)

Now, when the Lord spoke these words to King Solomon, 13 years had passed since the temple had been completed and dedicated to the Lord.  Thirteen years had passed since Solomon had stood before the Lord at the temple dedication, praying to the Lord on behalf of the Israelites, asking that the Lord would bless his people by his presence dwelling among them from his temple.  Thirteen years had passed since Solomon had prayed to the Lord asking that the Lord would hear the prayers of his people when they turned their hearts toward the Lord and his temple and prayed to him in faith.  Thirteen years had passed since Solomon had prayed, asking the Lord to hear the prayers of his people when they turned to him after they had sinned; after the Lord had brought war on the land, famine on the land, or even plague or disaster upon the land and upon the people.  Thirteen years had passed since that day, and now, after Solomon had completed his palace the Lord appeared to him at night and said, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV84)

Though it took thirteen years, when the Lord came to Solomon on that night, the Lord assured Solomon that he would answer Solomon’s prayer.  The Lord assured Solomon that he, the Lord, would indeed hear the prayers of his people.  The Lord assured Solomon that he would not only hear the prayers of his people, but he would also listen.  He would hear and listen and answer the prayers that his people brought to him in faith.  Though it is clear from the Lord’s appearing to Solomon that the Lord never promised that the answers to prayers would come instantaneously, it is also clear that the Lord will do what he promised—the Lord will hear the prayers of his people.  The Lord will forgive the sins of his people.  The Lord will heal the lands of his people.

This is why we, as Christians, are being called on to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer!  We are being called on to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer, because the Lord has promised to hear our prayers.  We are being called on to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer, because the Lord has promised to answer our prayers. We are being called on to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer, because the Lord has promised to forgive our sins. We are being called on to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer, because the Lord has promised to heal our land.  We are being called to raise our voices to the Lord in prayer because our nation is greatly in need of our prayers!

Just think about what we, as a nation have been facing lately.  We have been at war for the last 11 years.  Our economy has taken a down-turn, started to stabilize, and some experts say that it will soon get better while other experts are saying that an even greater down-turn is coming in the near future.  Unemployment rates and underemployment rates see to be continually on the rise.  Housing prices and housing markets that used to be so strong are now nowhere near where they once were.  Health care is facing a major change in the coming year, and as some have said, the election will determine what direction health care will go.  Federal and state budgets are facing deficits, while programs like welfare, social security and Medicare place an even greater strain on budgets as the baby-boomer generation begins to retire.  Our nation is facing a drought and because of that food prices will soon be going up.  Gas prices seem to be constantly on the rise!  Even when they come down for a while they don’t seem to stay down too long before they start going back up.  On top of all of this we, as Christians find that we are under more attacks and more scrutiny than ever before.  The very things that we hold dear are openly mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis.  Marriage itself is under attack as special interest groups seek to redefine God’s definition of marriage, change its parameters, and utterly destroy the foundation of society itself!

It is because of all of these things that I am inviting you to join with me in praying for our nation during the month of October.  Whether you choose to follow the pray31 prayer atlas or simply choose to keep the leaders of our nation, our states, and the churches of our country in your prayers is completely up to you.  But the reason I invite you to raise your hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer with me during the month of October is so that we might join together with hundreds of thousands if not a million other Christians who are raising their hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer on behalf of our nation. 

Now, just imagine with me what could happen if we did just this; if we raised our hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer for our nation during this next month.  Imagine what could happen if we raised our hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer during this next month, with Christians everywhere who have pledged to do this!  Imagine the sheer volume of prayers that the Lord will hear.  Imagine the sheer volume of prayers that the Lord will listen to and answer!  Imagine the changes that could be affected in our nation because we, as Christians, stormed the Lord’s throne of grace with prayers on a daily basis!  After all, it is the Lord who has commanded us to pray!  It is the Lord who has promised to hear our prayers!  It is the Lord who promises to answer our prayers! 

Thus, we can be assured that when we pray to the Lord our prayers will make a difference!  Can our prayers change our nation?  Absolutely!  They can defiantly change our nation!  But, will they change our nation?  That is up to the Lord!  When we pray to him, he hears our prayers!  When we pray to him, he answers our prayers!  However, he does not always answer them immediately.  Though he immediately answered the apostle’s prayer by shaking the place where they prayed and sending the Holy Spirit, it wasn’t until thirteen years had passed that the Lord appeared to Solomon and specifically answered his prayer by telling him, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV84)

The same thing is true for us!  When we pray the Lord will hear us and answer us.  If he answers us immediately, we will praise his name.  If he holds off for a time, we will praise his name by continuing to raise our hearts and voices in prayer to the Lord our God.  So, dear friends, let us heed the Lord’s call!  Let us raise our hearts and voices to the Lord our God in prayer.  Let us storm the throne of his grace with prayers and requests for our nation, for our leaders, for our sates, for our churches, for our schools, for our educators, for our synod, her leaders, her teachers and her pastors.  Let us continually raise our hearts and voices to the Lord our God in prayer, knowing that the Lord will hear and answer.  Let us continually raise our hearts and voices to the Lord in prayer trusting the promise that he gave us in our lesson today when he said, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV84)  Amen.

Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church--Le Sueur, MN