Sunday, May 6, 2012

God Chose you to be his own (Acts 8:26-40)

May 6, 2012
Dear friends in Christ.

If you’ll permit me, I’d like to tell you a story this morning.  It’s not a story about car chases or gunfights, though one of the characters does chase after a chariot.  It’s not a story with a western setting, though there are some horses involved with it.  It’s not even a science fiction story in which two different species of aliens have to learn to coexist, instead, it’s simply a Bible History story that many of you have undoubtedly heard before.  It’s the story about the Philip, the deacon, and the Ethiopian eunuch and how God chose that eunuch to be his own.  Now, I admit, at first glance this might not seem to be the most interesting story that I could have told you this morning!  But even though this might be the case, I guarantee you that by the time I’m done, you’ll be thankful I did tell you.  You’ll be thankful, because through this simple and completely true Bible History story, you will be reassured that it was God who chose you to be his own.

Though I know that you already know that it was God who chose you to be his own, this is a fact that will become that much clearer as we study the account of Philip and the Eunuch.  As our story opens, Philip was working with a number of the other disciples in the region of Samaria, and in the city which was also named, Samaria.  This city of Samaria was about 30 – 40 miles north of Jerusalem, and it was there that an angel of the Lord suddenly came to Philip and told him to “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”" (Acts 8:26, NIV84)

Even though the Lord was greatly blessing the work of the disciples in Samaria and quite a few of the Samaritans were coming to faith, Philip simply obeyed the word of the Lord.  Without a second thought he started out on his journey, and as he traveled, somewhere on that road leading to Gaza, Philip met up with this Ethiopian eunuch.  Now, this was no ordinary Ethiopian!  This was an important official in the government.  He was basically the Secretary of the Treasury for all of Ethiopia.  On top of that, he was a convert to Judaism and had recently been in Jerusalem to worship the Lord God.  On top of that, as he was traveling back to Ethiopia, he was reading from the scroll of the Prophet Isaiah.

Now, when Philip saw him, the Holy Spirit told him to go up to the chariot and stay near it.  So Philip ran along side and heard the man reading.  As he was reading Philip asked a very simple question.  Luke tells us: “‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ asked Philip. ‘How can I,’ [the eunuch] said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. The eunuch was reading this passage of Scripture: ‘He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before the shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.’ The eunuch asked Philip, ‘Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?’  Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the good news about Jesus.” (Acts 8:30-35).

This is why the Lord pulled Philip away from a very successful ministry in Samaria and sent him down to a lonely desert road south of Jerusalem!  He did it so that this eunuch might have the opportunity to learn about Jesus through Philip’s teaching!  He did it so that this eunuch might be brought to faith in Jesus and become a child of God!  He did it, because this eunuch was a soul whom God had chosen to be his own, and God made sure that he had the opportunity to hear the gospel and come to faith.  Well the same thing can be said about each and every one of us here today!  For the truth is, each one of us is a soul whom God has chosen to be his own.  For you see even before we were even a sparkle in our mother’s eyes, the Lord knew us and knew what he had planned for our lives.  Before we were even born, the Lord loved us and chose us to be his own.  When we were born, he was the one who saw to it that our parents had us baptized.  He is the one who saw to it that we were taught the precious truths about his Son.  He is the one who saw to it that we learned our Bible History lessons and our Catechism lessons so that our faith in him might be strengthened. Now he is the one who continues to strengthen our faith through his Word and Sacrament so that we might remain faithful to him throughout our lives no matter what troubles or frustrations we might face. 

What greater comfort could we receive today, than the comfort that comes from knowing that it was the Lord God who chose us to be his own!  It was the Lord our God who counted us as his precious souls and saw to it that we were made his children!  This, in fact, was exactly what the Lord did for that Ethiopian eunuch in our lesson today!  For after Philip had thoroughly explained the word of God to him, the eunuch was baptized.  Luke tells us: “As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I be baptized?” 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him. 39 When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. 40 Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea." (Acts 8:36–40, NIV84)

As they road together, the Holy Spirit created faith in the heart of this eunuch—faith which trusted in Jesus as his Savior, and faith that longed for the assurance that Baptism could give him.  When they stopped, Philip baptized him, assuring this eunuch that he was indeed a child of God through faith.  But when they came up out of the water, it was the Lord who suddenly took Philip away.  He suddenly took Philip away, and he wound up at Azotus, where he began to preach the Word of God, traveling north until he reached the town of Caesarea.

Why the Lord took Philip away like he did, we will never know!  But there is great comfort and assurance for us in the way this story ends.  For even though Philip suddenly disappeared from the eunuch’s side, never to be seen again, the eunuch went on his way rejoicing.  He returned to his homeland as a child of God, and it is very likely that he began teaching others about their Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is quite possible that he brought this news to the queen and all her officials and the leadership of Ethiopia came to know Jesus as their Savior.  It is even possible that this man became a missionary and went around his country and even throughout Africa preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Though this is the only part of the Bible in which this man is mentioned, though we are never told anything more than, “the eunuch went on his way rejoicing,” we take great comfort in the fact that it was the Lord who chose him to be his own.

Well, just as we take great comfort in the fact that the Lord chose this particular Ethiopian eunuch to be his own, we also take comfort in the fact that the Lord has chosen us to be his own.  For the truth is, as we sit here today, we know that it was the Lord who chose us to be his own.  We know that it was the Lord who saw to it that we were baptized into the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  We know that it was the Lord who not only created the faith that trusts in Jesus as our Savior, but we also know that he is the one who sustained that faith through the regular use of his word and sacrament.  But even more than that, we also know that it is the Lord who now uses us to call others to faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior.  He is the one who now uses us to proclaim that beautiful message of the gospel so that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved.  This is the gospel message that proclaims to believers from every nation, kingdom, tribe and people, that Jesus has chosen them to be his own. 

Though sometimes it might be difficult and a little scary for us to speak to people about our faith, this is what the Lord wants us to do.  Though it may be difficult for some of us to recognize the importance of filling this church with all sorts of different colors and unfamiliar faces, this is the mission that the Lord has set before us in brining the Gospel to all nations.  But while the very thought of going out and proclaiming the Gospel can be quite terrifying, you don’t need to be frightened or even alarmed.  For now that the Lord has called you to be his own, he uses you to bring others into his fold every hour of every day. Sometimes it happens when someone simply notices how you live your life, and from that they start to wonder about your beliefs.  Other times it happens when people notice that foul language isn’t a normal part of your every day conversation and they remember you belong to the Lutheran Church.  Sometimes it happens in the midst of a conversation when suddenly you find yourself talking about Jesus and other times it transpires in a simple invitation to worship on Sunday morning.  But no matter how it might happen, we know that it is the Lord using us to spread his word to others, just as he used Philip to share God’s Word with a precious soul whom the Lord had chosen.

So then, here we are, we’ve come to the end of our story.  But even though it doesn’t end with trademark, “happily ever after”, or with a hero riding off into the sunset, it ends on a very comforting note.  For this account ends with the assurance that it is the Lord who has chosen us to be his own.  It is the Lord who called us to faith and it is the Lord who uses us to share that faith with others who need to know.  Take comfort in that fact as you leave this place today, and don’t ever forget that it was the Lord who chose you to be his own.


Pastor David M. Shilling
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church--Le Sueur, MN